We have been home a few months now. Quite a few people have requested I keep blogging. I will do my best.
Mae turns 2 this month. She is doing really well. The areas I originally was worried in have come to pass. She sleeps through the night, at least 12 hours. She also eats quite well. So well in fact, we have to watch how much food we give her. I'm not sure if she recognizes the 'I'm full' feeling. She is a happy little girl who likes to play. I am working with bonding and teaching her to cuddle. It is not something she likes to do. I am not sure if it is normal or if it is something that needs to be taught. I let her see me cuddling with Logan and I think that helps. She has opened up to family, friends, and strangers. We are even making it through church now with no Cheerio's! That came much sooner than I ever expected!
Maelynn stays at home with Daddy. They are getting their routine down so Erich can still get some work done. I have a new/old job. I left Omnicare in May when I knew I was not going back. The commute was too far for our new residence location. I spent too much time on the road that I should have been spending with my kids. Anyway, FACS hired me back. I am glad to be back and feel like I am working with a good team. I had worked for FACS for over 11 years when I left to go to Omnicare.
Logan is getting very active very quickly. He starts Kindergarten at the end of this month and soccer starts next week. Our schedule has filled up quickly. Mom's sanity will be in question by then end of August, I'm sure.
Erich is in a show that opens in a week called 'Once Upon A Mattress'. He is quite stressed to ensure everything gets completed in time. He is master carpenter for the show which means he's in charge of getting the sets built. He is also Prince Dauntless which is a major role in the show.
I want to thank all of our family and friends who have supported and encouraged us. We could not have made it through all of this without you. Also, God, whose unconditional love has gotten us through the good and the bad and the forthcoming.
In His Peace,