Happy Halloween!
Halloween was a lot of fun with the kids. We started off together, all four of us. We knew Logan could and would want to go longer, so we split. Mae and I headed back to the house (stopping for more trick and treating along the way) and Erich and Logan went farther. They ended up walking with a neighbor and soccer buddy. We left candy outside our house for the trick or treaters. Amazingly enough, it wasn't all gone by the time we got home. (more at the bottom)
We also had our 6 month follow up home study visit with Cherub International. Everything went well. Mae showed off for a while and then we put her to bed. Logan was a little wound up too. Heather continued to ask us questions and that was about it. We also finally started occupational and speech therapy. Wow! What a process! We started this is May!!! We are working with Help Me Grow which is a program in Ohio. They matched us with Hamilton Co MRDD. Again, it is not that Mae is mentally or physically slow. It is a matter of exposure. She gets frustrated when she cannot express herself so we understand.
Soccer is now done for the season. We gave Logan the choice for the spring: soccer or baseball. He chose soccer. He and Mae continue to do well together.
Also, this month we had a Geoppinger wedding and baby shower. Welcome 2 new members to the clan! Bob and Anna are getting a new rood, windows, and siding to their home. There are talks of possibly air condition in the future. Yea! Well, that's about it for October.
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