Erich's celebrity look-alike
Erich and Robin are adopting from China! We started our adoption process in July 2004. We took our time getting the paperwork done. Below is a journal so others can follow our journey.
Legacy of an Adopted Child
First, I thought this was a nice shot of the 3 of us. Erich actually asked me to give him the camera instead and he would take the pictures! Yea! I do exist of film.
We were invited to Myrtle Beach by my parents this year. We went in mid-June to their time-share condo. Unfortunately due to some work scheduling, we were only able to spend a few days there. Erich and I took the kids to the ocean on the first morning there. Mae decided immediately that she did not like it. Sand was OK, but not the water (or the pool). Logan on the other hand love it! Talk about night and day. Maelynn did not even want to go shelling a few days later. It upset her so much that I took her back to the condo to hang out while Daddy and Logan finished up. We really enjoyed our summer vacation and the time spent with my parents. Thank you!
Here are the lyrics, have tissues ready:
The hound dogs. The black one is Obi, short for Obediah. The brown one is Val or Valley Girl, short for Valentine.