Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Wednesday Day 8

Greetings everyone! Wednesday was shopping day! After breakfast our guides took us to a department store. It was so nice to see a clean shopping store. There were sales people everywhere! Like the Friendship Store, you have to tell the sales girl what you want and she will write you up a slip. You gather the slips and when you are done you pay. Then you go back to where the item(s) is and pick it up. We made a mess of it. First it is very difficult to figure out what of their size with fit our little one. Then we collected all the slips and paid. But somewhere along the line we lost a slip. We thought we had paid for it and wanted to pick it up, but we didn't have the slip to claim it. Kelly and Jeanie, our guides, had to help us. We are such trouble makers! Erich was very frustrated. The process does not make a whole lot of sense to us. It is harder since we don't know the language. Also, we only had 1 hour to do this shopping so we felt rushed. We were hoping to buy another pair of shorts and a swim suit for Erich and I, but there just wasn't time to even look at another store. We did better at the grocery store. We found peanut butter and crackers for Logan, cookies, pop, apple juice, diapers, wipes, baby food, etc. The grocery store is the 2nd and 3rd floors below ground. In order to take your cart they have an uphill conveyor belt that is magnetic so your carts won't slide. It is very cool. Maelynn had a great time. She thought the ride in the cart was a blast. She smiled and laughed! Logan slept on Daddy's shoulder through most of the store. Then we had to load it all on the bus.

Back at the room, we ordered Danny's Bagels again. The food is so good and really hits the spot. After a good nap in the room, we took a walk to the play ground. Since Maelynn now has shoes, I let her get out and walk. She had a great time following the stone path around the playground. A Chinese lady approached us while Erich and Logan were off playing. She chatted with us and was very nice. She even took our picture. Here you can see some pictures. It is actually now a playground, but an exercise park. Each piece of equipment can be used for exercise. There is a 'ski machine' too. It is in the shape of an oval and has a running track on the outside. It is a great place to take Logan to expend some energy. We did see a couple of people using it, but most were kids playing. We also saw some kids there with thier teacher. They were in uniform of while shirt and purple pants. The children are very nice and want to talk with us. You can see in the picture, Maelynn has her stacking cups. She just loves them. Thanks Holly!

On the way back, we stopped by the park next to the hotel. It is along the Pearl River and very pretty. No jungle gyms here. They did have some amusement park rides, but I wasn't sure if they were safe or not. In the park are tables where the older Chinese sit and play games. We've seen card games and Majong. They get fiesty and loud when playing. The Geoppinger's would fit right in!

Maelynn is playing, laughing, and smiling more. She does this head thing. She will knock her forehead against yours and then you rub. She smiles and laughs at this. Luckily, I saw someone from the orphanage do this with her on Gotcha Day. Otherwise, I wouldn't have a clue. It almost seems like she is saying you are OK and I accept you. I would say Mama and she would knock my head, rub, and laugh.
She is still unsure of Logan and starts to fuss if he gets too near. I think he just moves so quickly that it scares her. She is coming around. Logan fed her a bottle. We will have him do more of that and feed her cheerios so she can get use to him. It is really great though when she reaches for us or stands up and walks to us. The eleveator lady on our floor tried to talk to her and she cried and clung to me. It is good she knows to come to me to keep her safe. She is doing great with Erich. He's been getting her to sleep for naps and at bed time.

We had our first poopoo today! Yeah! A lot of times they give the babies something so they won't have a dirty diaper on the ride to Guangzhou. I have been concerned and monitoring her. Now, she's good and happy. She was a little more fussy than normal today, but I think that has passed (yes, pun intended, sorry!)

We played more in the play room. We went down with the Chelgrens. Allison is doing well except her congestion. Beth and Allen took her to the clinic here at the WS. The doctor gave them some weird medicine. They are contacting thier pediatrician at home before they give her anything. She has broncitis and they brought antibiotics. So they are prepared depending on what the doctor from home tells them.

It is hard to juggle everything and I haven't been taking as many pictures as I'd like. With two kids, two adults, diaper bag, stroller, and camera, something has to give. For the scrapbooker in me, it is hard, but worth the sacrifice. I just wish I could capture more so I can make a good baby book for Maelynn.


At 12:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is such a great summary of your day. Kurt and I enjoyed going over it tonight! So glad to see Maelynn warming up to everyone and the pictures are great! We love you and look forward to your next entry.

Love you!
Kurt & Jenn


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