Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Still waiting for TA

It's been a week and we are still waiting for Travel Approval! Ugh! I have heard through the grape vine that it is on its way. Actually, did you know if you know where a package is coming from and its destination, you can track it?!! Way cool! Our package of TA's left from China on Thursday 3/9. It is still Wednesday 3/8 in the US. The time difference is so weird. It makes my head hurt if I try to understand it. We expect the package to arrive here on Friday. Then we still need the CA (Consulate Appointment) to have a better knowledge of when we travel. We are now estimating that the group will leave on 3/22. However, the Geoppinger clan is hoping to leave a day or two prior to that. So in less than 2 weeks, we hope to be in Beijing and shortly after that travel to Guangzhou where we will see and hold and love on our little girl!


At 10:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope everything happens soon! I know how excited you all must be :)


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